[일반] win10 업데이트 방지

무소유v 2015. 11. 4. 23:43



윈도우7.8 에서 윈도우10으로 자동으로 업데이트 되는 것을

방지해 주는 프로그램 입니다.


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GWX Control Panel (previously named GWX Stopper) is a free program that you can use to configure and exit the “Get Windows 10” system tray application which continually pops up on PCs that are still running Windows 7 and Windows 8. It can also prevent unintentional Windows 10 upgrades from occurring via Windows Update. GWX Control Panel really works, is safe and easy to use, and gives you the option to re-enable the icon and upgrade notifications if you're ever ready to move forward with Windows 10.


Changes in VERSION 1.5

    Now detects the hidden $Windows.~WS folder associated with the Windows 10 Media Creation Tool, in addition to the more common $Windows.~BT folder that was already detected in previous versions.
    New Delete Windows 10 Download Folders feature now deletes both detected hidden download folders, preventing users from having to run scripts or manually override file security and ownership settings.
    Program now only requests administrator privileges when they're actually required, and only once per session, instead of always asking for permissions at program startup. Note: This is a hard feature to test because of the thousands of user security/permissions possibilities out in the wild; please let me know if you experience unexpected behavior when attempting to perform operations.
    New /norestart command line switch to assist support staff who operate GWX Control Panel via remote assistance tools. (More info at the announcement page.)
    Clear Windows Update Cache feature now displays a list of temporary effects that clearing the cache will have on Windows Update and gives you a chance to cancel before proceeding. (It is safe to clear your update cache, but some users might prefer to avoid the one-time changes that doing so incurs.)
    Decoupled download folder size checking from rest of the informational stats to speed up the first screen refresh with current status. You now always get information as soon as it's available.
    Removed the Close 'Get Windows 10' App button because it confused some users and was somewhat redundant, since the Disable/Enable 'Get Windows 10' App feature implicitly exits or launches the GWX app as needed.